Monday, October 01, 2007

Oh MySpace

One of the best things about having a MySpace account is the endless parade of sub-adequate musicians/comedians/entrepreneurs who send you random friend requests, in hopes that you (or, usually in my case, your band) is their target market. I can't tell you how much mediocrity I've been asked to befriend, but every now and then, out of a vast sea of unsolicited e-cries for attention, you find something that transcends pointlessness and skates right into the sublime.

Despite my numbers-referencing surname and our shared hometown, I can assure you that this is not me. I only wish I had been able to come up with this, even though I don't really care much for either math or education.

Presenting the single best MySpace friend request I have received in months: "Mr. Flowers Hip Hop Multiplication CD."

I highly suggest listening to all the tracks Mr. Flowers has offered to the general public, but the highlights for me are definitely "Mr. Trey (Three)" and "Neighborhood Hero (Zero)." Casio-level hip-hop production and multiplication tables: together at last.


Danny Sichel said...

Joe, I just wanted to tell you that a) the "Blog of Hilarity" guy has conceded that your Marmaduke dissection is funnier and better done than his Marmaduke dissection, and so he is leaving the field to you, which I think shows a certain degree of class on his part, and b) "Pinocchiobot" is far better than a song about wanting to be a toaster oven has any right to be.

Pops said...

Thank you, Joe. My day was made by Chuck the Deuce.

TheVanBlogger said...

Maybe you and Mr. Flowers should have an eyeball contest to see who is cooler.

Skelly's Roommate said...

Wow. Thanks there, champ.

David Barr said...

John Flowers is an original hip hop artist tailoring his music to children. He has held many positions in his educational career. Mr. Flowers has held such positions as 2nd grade teacher, 3rd grade teacher, Technologist and he is currently an Instructional Coordinator for the Houston Independent School District. He has received distinguished awards such as Teacher of the Year (2003-2004), Supper Supporter (2006), and he has been nominated for Metropolitan Who’s Who Among Executives and Professionals “Honors Edition” (2007). He has continued to motivate and inspire children to learn through new and innovative ways of teaching.

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