Discovering these, the most obtuse and useless form of found art imaginable, are enough to drive a man mad. YouTube comments are perhaps the lowest form of human communication, and the more of them you read the closer you are to going into a grocery store one day and walloping on people with a ball peen hammer at random.
Anyway, having said that, I now present YouTube Comment Haikus for one of today's featured videos, Jimi Hendrix on Fire (summary: man makes portrait of Jimi Hendrix out of matchsticks, then lights it on fire).
Via user Knobbsy, a teenage metal fan from the United Kingdom:
seems a shame to make
summit like that only to
burn it was great though!!
From madmonk66, a 40-year-old music afficionado (tastes veering from Venom to Soft Cell):
Wow. Is that Jimi's
schlong on fire? What is this -
Mississippi? LOL
(note: "LOL," of course, counts as one syllable ("lole") rather than three ("ell oh ell"). I made up the artform; I make up the rules)
There are probably more buried in here, but I'm slowly losing my mind looking for more so I'll stop at two for today.
Friday, August 31, 2007
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I agree 100% about the pronunciation of LOL, but are you counting "fire" as having two syllables?
Sure. Hey, so did Hendrix...
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