Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Original proposed tracklist to the Empire Records soundtrack

1. Til I Hear It From You - Grunge Blossoms
2. Liar - The Grungeberries
3. A Grunge Like You - Edwyn Collins
4. Free - The Grungetinis
5. Crazy Life - Toad The Grunge Sprocket
6. Bright As Grunge - The Innocence Mission
7. Circle Of Friends - Grunger Than Ezra
8. I Don't Want To Grunge Today - Grunge Hangers
9. Whole Lotta Grunge- Cracker
10. Ready, Steady, Grunge - The Meices
11. What You Are (Grunge) - Drill
12. Grunge Overalls - Lustre
13. Here Grunge Comes Again - Please
14. The Ballad Of El' Grunge-o - Evan Dando
15. Grunge - Grunge

Eventually, cooler heads prevailed and they let the bands keep their original names/song titles, but the (terrible, terrible) film ended up putting the coffin in the grungesploitation* genre anyway.

*: sorry


deckard said...

Great, now I'm seeing Google ads for flannel shirts and Converse All-Stars.

lyndsay said...

The Empire Records Soundtrack was the first album BMG recommended to me after I selected "alternative" on the order form where I received 12 CD's for only 1 PENNY! The next one was the Clueless soundtrack. Then I cancelled my subscription.

tashikitten said...

Yes, Empire Records is truly one of the worst films I have ever seen. However, the title of worst film ever is still held by the 1982 film Sorceress.


Unknown said...

Hey! Empire records was the touching story of...

jesus the movie's so bad I can't even find a way to finish this sentance. What the hell WAS that movie supposed to be about anyway?

And yes-- "well there're these kids, in this record store..."


Skullturf Q. Beavispants said...

I beg to differ. The worst movie ever made is the 1999 Sarah Michelle Gellar vehicle Simply Irresistible.

Sadly for film critic Gene Siskel, it is the last movie he ever saw.

Joe Mathlete said...

IMDB User Comment:

cute and honest
12 May 2004
Author: kystilla from Tallinn, Estonia

When I read about it in my TV guide, my first thought was 'boring'. But since there was nothing interesting, I decided to watch it. And no regrets taken. The story is very sweet, filled with lots of love and humorous situations. Since I like movies where some sort of food plays an important part (I just love Woman On Top!) then I loved this one too. Sarah Michelle Gellar and Sean Patrick Flannery both do an excellent job. They make a great on-screen couple together and you can even see the chemistry between.

All together, I liked this movie. Funny, sweet and definetely romantic, spiced with bits of mystery and fiction, it was a good watch :)

9/10. Pretty :)

Anonymous said...

Ahahahahaha. "I like movies where some sort of food plays an important part" is my new favorite phrase.

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