Friday, September 21, 2007

Birthday clarification

(see: that last thing I wrote)

Early 20s: 20-23
Mid 20s: 23-26
Late 20s: 26-29

Those years where there's overlap are where distinctions like "early-mid" and "mid-late" come into play; their usage is wholly optional, but I prefer sticking with it to be slightly more accurate while maintaining slight ambiguity.

Obviously I'm making most of this up right at this moment.

Fun Faqt: I was born at 3:33 AM, so I'm pretty much required by birthright to have some amount of 3s as my lucky number.


cb said...

hellsbells, joe mathlete! happy birthday etc etc etc.

i'm 28.
late 20s.

most of the women i know who were 35 or older said the 30s are the place to be. nearly all of them said: "my 20s were full of all this bullshit i just did not experience in my 30s."

possibly, they lied to me.

but whatever.

happy birthday. belatedly.

SallyNichole said...
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deckard said...

Damn, so I'm in my mid-20s too. Thanks for ruining my day, Mathlete. :-(

I'll tell you what, you can post a new Grone Protocol chapter to make up for it.

Mitch Meats said...

there's no getting around that i will be thirty next july and that i have three chest hairs to my name. happy birthday, joe. for your present i went and harassed the blog of hilarity.

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