Thursday, November 15, 2007

Regarding these blogs I do

First of all:
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I have no idea how they calculated that, but if a website says it it must be true. I expect my MacArthur Fellowship certificate is in the mail.

Seriously, that's hilarious. The Marmaduke Explained blog got a "College (Postgrad)" label, which is odd considering I use so many more big words there (I've been mostly talking about animals for the last week in this one, and some of my sentences weren't even really sentences). Maybe "Genius" is somewhere below "College (Postgrad)" on the smarts totem? I dunno, I never graduated. Thankfully I didn't have more fart and dick jokes; otherwise I probably would've scored "College (Undergrad)."

Second, the thing where I draw stuff on index cards is being updated more or less regularly again.

Finally, cottage cheese is actually pretty good. So is Metalocalypse. I just figured all this out yesterday. Why did nobody tell me?


azoresdog said...

Hi Joe.

I checked the reading level of the site which produced the blog readability test (, and it scored "Junior High" level.

What does it mean? Perhaps we shall never know.

TheVanBlogger said...

Try not to get too excited Joe. Our site got Genius too, and we mostly just post pictures of Salma Hayek's boobs.

deckard said...

This is really freaky. Today I saw one of my coworkers eating cottage cheese and I thought to myself: "You know, I can't remember ever trying cottage cheese. I've always thought it looked gross so I've never really given it a chance. But then again, I've never heard anyone ever say 'cottage cheese is really good'."

Joe, I will try eating cottage cheese if you just take these transmitters out of my teeth.

Blake C. said...

Metalocalypse indeed pwns. I regret not verifying your receipt of that memo. Please forgive me.

CamelPimp said...

"Try not to get too excited Joe. Our site got Genius too, and we mostly just post pictures of Salma Hayek's boobs."

What are you talking about? That IS genius.

Adam said...

Brendan Small is a Genius (Grad Grad Grad Post-Grad PhD Level).

If you understood how great Home Movies was, why wouldn't you expect Metalocalypse to be good?

Alex Nichols said...

Hey, you're welcome for the tip! Heh. Yes, I was the one who alerted Joe as to the smartocity of his Marmaduke blog. Funnily enough, I also made a MacArthur joke on my blog (which is a blog I've updated about four times that nobody goes to, and for good reason). Great minds...

jilly said...

you're so smart!

you're google ads are in russian this morning.

Nic Ouzo said...

I declare shenanigans! Our blog got "high school" level, even after we had a post dissecting government structure and the primary system.

My colleague Joe Reefer tried out the system, inputting "", which then received a "genius" rating.

There is no such blog! How can a blank page be genius!

Joe Mathlete said...

After reading Nic's comment I immediately tried to register and it wouldn't let me.

Not my proudest moment, to tell you the truth.

Joe Reefer said...

It's okay, Joe... I did the same thing.

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